Install Smokeping On Windows

  1. Smokeping is pretty good for this. It'll show latency as well as packet loss. It'll show latency as well as packet loss. Edit: Looks like Smokeping needs to be patched to run on Windows.
  2. Smokepinginstall How to install SmokePing smokepingmasterslave How to run multiple distributed instances of SmokePing smokepingupgrade Notes on upgrading Smokeping smokeping Commandline tool for SmokePing smokepingcgi SmokePing webfrontend smokeinfo poll smokeping site for numeric information smokepingconfig Reference for the SmokePing.

Tracking network latency on FreeBSD with SmokePing

2 Installing Smokeping. To install Smokeping along with some other recommended packages, we simply run: aptitude install smokeping curl libauthen-radius-perl libnet-ldap-perl libnet-dns-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-telnet-perl libsocket6-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl apache2. 3 Configuring Smokeping. The Smokeping configuration is in the.


Tracking network latency should be an integral of anyone’s server management routine. It is essential that you monitor this regularly so you can get a better picture of your server’s health and performance. It can help you determine if your network is overloaded or indicate if there is an incorrect router configuration or downed device. Catching this kind of issues at the right time will help prevent major failures later on.

SmokePing is a network latency tracking tool that you may find very useful when monitoring network latency. This tutorial will assist you in setting up SmokePing with Apache on your server(s) running FreeBSD.

All you need is a FreeBSD 11 server with a root user and Apache (and its FastCGI module) already installed and configured.

Installing and configuring SmokePing

  • The installation is quite simple because SmokePing exists already in the package repository. To proceed, enter the command below:
  • Next, open the file at /usr/local/etc/smokeping/config, which you’ll need to edit to customize a few fields (the ones bolded below):
  • Comment out the entire ***Slaves*** section.
  • Lastly, we turn to Targets.
    Simply put, targets are a hierarchical list of hosts which mark the limits of the network connections the system should monitor.
    In this tutorial, we’ll be setting up a configuration that monitors the latency between your server and two FreeBSD pkg mirrors.
    Thus, we’ll have a total of three graphs.
  • In the same file as above, navigate to the ***Targets*** section. What you’ll do first is delete the sample configuration so the end of your file looks like this:
  • Next, copy and paste the following configuration under the existing default settings.
  • Below it, add one more section to combine multiple targets into one graph.

Enabling the services

  • Next, we’ll start connecting and enabling the services.
    For that, you’ll need to create a configuration file for Apache in /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/ called smokeping.conf, like so:
  • Then, paste this into the newly created file:
  • Now, enter these to commands so that default service configuration for Apache and SmokePing can start the processes at boot:
  • Next, start Apache:
  • Then, start the SmokePing service as well:
  • To access SmokePing’s web interface, go to http://your_server_ip/smokeping in your favorite browser.
    By navigating the menu on the left, and then clicking Targets, you will hopefully see the graphs that we’ve previously created and customized.


How to use smokeping

And that is all! You can track network latency on your server with SmokePing!

Fault diagnosis on Local Area Networks (LANs) can be tricky at the best of times. Things get even more complex when you’re dealing with Wide Area Networks (WANs).

Smokeping is one great tool that can help you deal with the complexity. In this article, we’ll learn how to use Smokeping to identify and fix network problems.


So, what does Smokeping do and how does it work, you ask? Primarily, Smokeping is used to measure jitter and latency using ICMP echos (in other words, pings). It then uses rrdtool to graph the information for later analysis. You can choose how often you want to ping a destination and how many pings you want to send when you do.

Smokeping For Windows 10

Smokeping’s Key Features

  1. Excellent latency visualisation
  2. Interactive graph frontend
  3. Plugins to allow measurement of latency for other protocols
  4. Master/Slave system for distributed measurement (i.e. multiple locations)
  5. Alerting system
  6. Latency charts with the most interesting graphs
  7. Free and Open-Source

Install Smokeping On Windows 7

Smokeping Configuration and Best Practices

I recommend these best practices based on my own experience having used Smokeping over a number of years to analyze network latency and illustrate packet loss.

Install Smokeping On Windows 10

I suggest starting by making sure that 20 pings are sent every 60 seconds. It’s important to consider the relevance of this when you first deploy Smokeping as changes to these parameters will break your RRD graphs and require you to start from scratch. To set this rate, edit the Database file located in Smokeping’s config.d directory:

Next, configure the owner and contact e-mail address of your Smokeping installation by editing the General file in the same directory:

Configuring Ping Targets

Now onto the fun stuff!

When using Smokeping, you’re going to want to start graphing the latency to a multitude of destinations. I tend to pick servers that I want to monitor and then a few “control” subjects, like Google’s DNS servers or my ISP’s DNS servers. This will allow you to compare any lossy graphs to see if there is a common issue related to your Smokeping network connection or if it’s a specific destination. Indeed, you can also see if there are common issues on certain routed paths by doing this.

To configure your ping targets, open up the Targets file in the same directory as mentioned above. There is some default config in here to get you started and it’s quite straightforward to configure. As an example, here is my configuration for BBC News and Google U.K.:

To make this config live, simply restart Smokeping, then head over to your browser to see the changes.

Understanding the Graphs

Assuming you have configured Smokeping correctly, you’ll see something similar to the following (minus the populated graphs, of course). Allow a few minutes for a line measurement to begin to appear.

Smokeping Config

To further understand what we’re looking at, click into one of your graphs and you’ll see latency information over the last 3 hours, 30 hours, 10 days and 360 days. The data will be averaged over these time periods.

The graph below indicates excellent latency with a consistent ping time of around 12ms and no packet loss.

If there were packet loss, you’d see a percentage figure mentioned alongside the “packet loss” side heading and a colour relative to the percentage on the graph. An example illustrating some packet loss is shown below (note the bits on the graph in blue):


Smokeping is a useful tool that can aid DevOps Engineers and Network Engineers alike in diagnosing packet loss on their networks, or on their ISP’s networks. It can illustrate congestion issues, contention issues and poor routing. Having graphs to provide to your ISP or other service provider when raising a complaint can be very useful point of information to bolster your case, and to assist them in diagnosing a problem.

Although I have tried many other tools for graphing latency, I still find Smokeping to be the best around and would highly recommend it.

Install Smokeping On Windows 10 Pro

Useful Links

Smokeping Docker

  1. Smokeping:
  2. Different probes:
  3. Online demo:
  4. Usage statistics for Smokeping:
  5. Active monitoring system SmokePing