Newest Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player 11 is the version released by Microsoft for Windows XP and Vista and it now offers all the features that made the iTunes popular with media lovers. Download medial player 11 for Windows XP and Vista for free. If you don’t have the latest version of this improved windows media player running on your computer, you can either download it for free or upgrade to it from your current version and enjoy your music, videos and photos.

A straightforward media player. Windows Media Player has been the standard media file player on Windows PCs. Today, it features many new, sleek functions. This media player boasts a simple file directory, which branches into sections, helping you find the files you want. Alternatively, it enables you to search by title. Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place.

If you already have Windows Media Player 10 installed on your PC, and you like to upgrade, then find below an easy method to download or update to WMP 11. If you are on Windows XP or Vista, we earlier covered an article on how to download and use WMP 11.

  1. Has your Windows Media Player in your Windows 10 stopped working or does it not play MP4 and DVD files anymore? Well, these are some of the common issues of the Windows Media Player reported by many Windows 10 users. However, the good news is, there are a couple of fixes to resolve this type of issue.
  2. Downloaded music from online stores: When you buy a song and place it in your Music folder, Windows Media Player automatically stocks its library with your latest purchase. Feel free to repeat the steps in this section to search for files whenever you want. Windows Media Player ignores the files it has already cataloged and adds any new ones.

If you are on windows 7, you will already have the latest version of Microsoft’s free multimedia player that comes bundled together with the OS! However, if you are on windows 7 N or KN Editions, you could enable WMP 12 on your computer by downloading the media feature pack for free.You can also get skins that will make WMP 11 to look like the media player in Windows 7.

Download Windows Media Player 12 skins for Vista and XP or the special media feature pack for 7N and KN editions.

How to upgrade to WMP 11?

If you have Windows Media Player 10 on your Windows XP, you may follow the steps outlined below to upgrade to the next version, without the need for Windows Genuine Advantage Validation (WGA Validation).

  • Open the older version of Windows Media Player and navigate to Tools =>Options.
  • Click on ‘Check for updates once a day.’ Press Apply and then OK.
  • After some time, a windows pops up asking you to upgrade to a newer version.
  • Click OK and the System will download Media Player 11 and and install it.
  • After installing the media player, restart your PC.
  • After restarting your PC, Click on Start =>Search, choose ‘All files and folders’ and search for LegitLibM.dll. This DLL is usually located in C:Program FilesWindows Media Player folder.
  • Right click LegitLibM.dll and rename it to any other name. (For eg, legitlib.dll)
  • Run WMP11 and click on validate though you may get a message ‘unable to validate’, you can ignore it and click OK.
  • The program will then lead you to settings or configuration and after you do that, windows Media Player 11 is ready to use.

That is all folks! Enjoy upgrading to Media player 11.

Microsoft offers a number of free skins to change the looks of Windows media player 11 as often as you may like. They also offer some stunning visualizations to match the music being played.You may experience these in the “Now playing Mode” of the media player. Other than skins and visualizations, One of the significant personalization features offered by WMP is the number of plug-ins to enhance the quality of DVD playback and audio effects.

You can not only plays songs and music from CDs and DVDs but you can also stream it to external devices like Xbox 360. If you are planning for a vacation, you can rip all the favorite songs from your CD or DVD collection and burn the copied songs and music to another CD and carry it with you, wherever you go. If you own a portable media player, you can alternatively sync all the media files to such player and carry it with you to enjoy music on the move.

Newest Windows Media Player

As with iTunes or any other media player, Windows Media Player 11 makes it easy to neatly organize your songs, music and videos into libraries and even provides a built-in search functionality to quickly search for any media file and play it immediately.

All these features makes Windows Media Player 11 a good default player to use in windows XP and vista. However, ff you do like to uninstall it and use another player, check out the article on how to uninstall media player 11.

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Newest Windows Media Player-->

This topic lists features that were new in Windows Media Player 11 and the Windows Media Player 11 SDK.

Windows Media Player Control

The following interfaces were new in the Windows Media Player 11 ActiveX control.

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Windows Media Player Skins

Newest Windows Media Player

The following skin features were new in Windows Media Player 11.

  • New attributes for positioning controls. See AmbientAttributes.right and AmbientAttributes.bottom.
  • New attributes for moving and sizing controls. See AmbientAttributes.moveSizeTo and AmbientAttributes.slideTo.
  • A new attribute for specifying image resizing behavior. See AmbientAttributes.resizeImages.
  • A new attribute for specifying non-uniform scaling of a skin element. See AmbientAttributes.nineGridMargins.
Newest Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player Plug-ins

The Windows Media Player 11 SDK introduced a new type of plug-in for converting digital media file formats. See Windows Media Player Conversion Plug-ins.

DSP Plug-ins created before the release of the Windows Media Player 11 SDK must be updated to work with Windows Media Player 11. See Updating Existing DSP Plug-ins.

The Windows Media Player plug-in wizard was updated to create DSP plug-ins that work in Windows Media Player 11. For details, see Updates to the DSP Plug-in Wizard for Windows Media Player 11.

Windows Media Player Online Stores

Windows Media Player 11 introduced a new model for integrating online store catalogs into the Windows Media Player library feature. See Type 1 Online Stores.

Windows Media Player

The following features were new in Windows Media Player 11.

Windows Media Player SDK Samples


The C# sample named SchemaReader was new in the Windows Media Player 11 SDK. The sample creates a tool that uses the Windows Media Player object model to retrieve and display information about metadata in the Windows Media Player library or in a digital media file. The tool can save the results to a text file. The tool enumerates the metadata attribute names stored in the library for each supported schema (audio, video, playlist, photo, and other). The tool can also provide information about available attributes for playlists in the playlist collection, CD tracks, CD table of contents, DVD titles, DVD chapters, DVD table of contents, and individual media files.

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The C++ sample named WMPML was updated in the Windows Media Player 11 SDK to demonstrate the following features:

Latest Windows Media Player

  • Using the new IWMPStringCollection2 interface to create a user interface similar to the Windows Media Player library feature.
  • Using the IWMPQuery and IWMPMediaCollection2 interfaces to create compound queries and display the results.