Les Intouchables Script For Mac

Scott’s critique of Les Intouchables elicited the following response from the former Mac Weekly Arts Editor, Maya Weisinger: I would like to offer some relief to the film, “The Intouchables,” which has been receiving lashings from American publications the second it was released in American theatres. Loosely based on a true story, “The Intouchables” is able to distinguish itself from similar films with a strong script. The film 'Intouchables' was the closing film of the 59th San Sebastian Film Festival and won Best French Film of the Year in 2011. Les Intouchables Script, 1ere partie (Note: This is something I found online and not a perfect copy of the dialogue, but it’s close enough that it will definitely help! 5 years ago; 5 notes; Traditional French Croissant Recipe. Here is the recipe we used to make our croissants. Super easy to follow, really descriptive,.

Get out of my way!

Ok, here they are.

Philippe, wake up now,

I bet you 100 euros that I'll lose them.



Let's do this!

Gosh, you're on a good night.


You lost them alright.

Get out of the car!

Hands on the hood!

- I double

- 200 euros that they're escorting us

You're gonna lose again

Come on! Show me your hands!

Your hands goddammit!

- Wait. I'm gonna explain.

- Shut up. Hands on the hood.

- Wait

- Get out of the car. Now!

Take it easy!

He can't get out.

He can't even open the door.

Look at him for god's sake!

There's a wheelchair in the trunk.

He's disabled. Go check!

Get off me

- He's telling the truth.

- SO!

What did you think?

You think i'm driving that fast

for the fun of it?


I was going to the hospital.

Les Intouchables Script For Mac

I'm working for him. He's having a stroke!

Les Intouchables Script For Mac Os

The more we wait, the worse it gets. He can't

move, he can't do anything. That's why I'm here.

I think we have a problem here.

Come see this.

- What the f*ck do we do now?

- That's right, thinkabout it. Take your time.

But meanwhile call his 15 years old daughter

and tell her her father is dead because of you!

Because if he's not taken care of within

But take your time.

Think. Think fast.

He's dying!

Alright, don't lose any more time.


- Where are you going?

- ER.

We're gonnaescort you, it's safer.

Let's go, we're escorting them!

They're gone. They're leaving.


Philippe, this is so gross.

I can't deal with that, how do

you produce this... beuargh

Alright, you'll really have to

Les Intouchables Script For Mac Shortcut

get your license eventually.

Yes but meanwhile 'we're gonna

escort you, it's safer'.

A 200 euros escort.

Les Intouchables Script For Mac Osx

What? I never bet such amounts

of money.

Let's celebrate a little bit.

'We're gonnaescort you, it's safer'

Cool it. I helped you big time.

Philippe, an escort. A safe escort!

Here he comes.

We took care of it.

A stretcher will be here in a second.

- Are you gonna be ok?

- Yeah, it's fine.

- Good luck.

- Whatever.

Now what?

Now you let me decide.


Based on a true story

Do you have references?

Well yes. I validated my CAFAD.

A certificate of aptitude to take care of

disabled persons.

I validated it in a renowned instute

in the Landescountry in 2001

I have a high school 'Proximity Services' diploma

and a bachelor's in 'Social and Familial Economy'

I don't... like... I mean... I have been

mostly studyingrather than working.

What is your main motivation?

Money. Duh!


I'm all about mankind.

Good for you.

To help others, I think. It's

good right? It's a good answer?

I like the neighbourhood.

I love disabled persons. Since I was

a littlechild actually.

To promotesdisabled people's autonomy,

I'd say.

Their social insertion.

Sports too. You gotta move, you know.

For the social life, I mean.

These people can't do anything...

I saw... had my first professionnal


It was Mme Dupont Morathie

A really old lady...

really old...

I assisted her...

until the end, day after day.

In geriatricsthere were good times too.

Les Intouchables Script For Mac Download

We had King's cake... er...

Oh... I'm also an expert in

administrative stuff...

Financial aid...


I... I don't know...

maybe you qualify?


You'll check, Magalie.

But I don't think so...

- Yvan Laprade?

- Yes.

- No no no, get out! - I've been waitin

for 2 hours. - It's my turn now.


I'm coming to have a paper signed.

Please take a seat.

Do you have references?

References? I do.


We're all ears.

'Kool & the Gang', 'Earth, Wind & Fire'.

Those are good references, aren't they?

I don't know them. Take a seat.

The Intouchables reminds you how great movies can make you feel leaving the theater. This movie reminded me of my late grandmother, Henrietta Bulus. She loved French cinema films because they presented you with simple stories that taught you so many subtle truths about life and its quiet virtues. French cinema is the opposite of Hollywood blockbusters, and the timing of this film’s release perfectly coincides with the madness of the theater shaking sprints of the big budget superhero alien fighting action adventures that will fill the multiplexes this weekend. This is a simple movie with layers of poignant knowledge.

The Intouchables carries the task of a sweet little vineyard, presenting the touching story of two men from completely different backgrounds that see their paths collide which produces the most unlikely of friendships.

The film thrives off the chemistry and ballet like dialogue between French stars Cluzet and Sy. The screen is lit up with the white hot wit of Driss and the dry humor of the older Philippe. Driss is a young man from the projects who has no home, no future yet is as fearless as anyone in the world. Francois has all the money, luxury lifestyle and is an accomplished Aristocrat but lacks the ability of the human body below his neck and doesn’t want pity for it. He wants honesty. The two trade ideals and we get the benefit of watching them work.

This is a movie you don’t want to see end because of how much enjoyment is reached in their journey. I knew the drama was coming, but the comedy in this film is unbreakable. Driss kidding Philippe about his limitations and the older man teaching him the secret pleasures of his state of mind are treated with light flair here and never get too serious. The ending is something you don’t see coming.

I credit movies that work so well off basic settings and ambitions. The writing/directing team of Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano make it look easy here, laying out the principles of the story and allowing their actors to run with it. 85 percent of the scenes in this movie see Cluzet and Sy talking, moving, and interacting in isolated settings. We have seen this before, but never done so well and so sublime and effective. Everything works together in The Intouchables to provide a special experience. The dynamite acting of two relatively unknown actors lighting up a wicked script in the most beautiful city in the world is something to seek out this summer.

Les Intouchables Script For Mac Windows 10

It’s superb because it executes its plan so well and makes you feel good without a bit of manipulation. I would join the advertising campaign for this movie if it meant more people would see it. The Intouchables is a pleasant escape from the usual summer entertainment that drowns the summer wind. It is true that the more I like a movie or hate a movie, the longer review it will receive. This film just made me talk. Hopefully, it will find you.